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TV Results & Recaps

NXT Recap: Episode 518

Last week on NXT: Jordan Myles defeated Angel Garza in somewhat of an underwhelming match compared to both of their first round matches. The Gargano vs. Adam Cole NXT Championship match will be three stages of hell, the first stipulation…

205 Live Recap: Episode 140

Last week on 205 Live: Raul Mendoza and Humberto Carrillo showed out against The Lucha House Part, demonstrating how strong the foundation of a 205 Live tag division is. Oney Lorcan destroyed a guy named Tony Isner. Isiah 'Swerve' Scott…

NXT Recap: Episode 517

Last week on NXT: Matt Riddle and Arturo Ruos had a MMA inspired match that Riddle won, but then Riddle was attacked by the re-debuting Killian Dain, igniting a new feud for the bro. Mia Yim jumped Marina Shafir in a parking lot. Bronson…

205 Live Recap: Episode 139

Last week on 205 Live: The feud between the Singh Brothers and The Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa continued to build. Mike Kanellis snapped on Drake Maverick who snapped back, now they are most likely having a match. Gentleman Jack…

NXT Recap: Episode 516

Last week on NXT: Io Shirai is evil now. Velveteen Dream is waiting on a challenger for his North American Championship. Damian Priest is really into archery. Jordan Myles won his first round Breakout tournament match against Boa. The…

205 Live Recap: Episode 138

Last week on 205 Live: Sunil Singh lost to The Brian Kendrick to set up a feud with The Singh Brothers against Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick. Gentleman Jack Gallagher was having a showcase match until Mike Kanellis showed up…